About Me
Servus, my name is Hannes and I’m an open-minded Masters Student at Technical University Munich (TUM) in Electrical and Computer Engineering. My focus is on Automation and Robotics, I’m eager to meet new challenges and I like to think outside the box. My personal interests are particularly related to the fields of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), Computer Vision, Embedded and Computer Systems, High-Performance-Computing as well as Intelligence on the Edge. A current version of my CV in PDF file format can be found here.
Servus: The most general and traditional way to welcome anybody in Bavaria.
Explaining Shape Variability - Supervised Disentangling Variational Graph Autoencoder (in progress)
This work showcases a variational graph autoencoder disentanglement using 3D mesh data. For further information, please refer to the corresponding paper which can be found in the doc directory of the repository.
Geometrical Deep Learning on 3D Models - Classification for Additive Manufacturing
The overall goal of this project was about developing an algorithm using deep learning, which is capable of predicting whether a 3D-model is printable or not. In this context, printable refers to the context of additive manufacturing. All work is done in cooperation with the Data Analytics & AI team of Volkswagen Data:Lab Munich carried out in the context of the TUM Data Innovation Lab.
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection using an Isolation Forest
This work showcases a holistic approach how to perform anomaly detection for rail traffic data of Finland. Therein, a so-called Isolation Forest is trained in order to detect abnormal data samples.
In this project, an asynchronous value iteration while heavily using OpenMPI is presented. This is done for the purpose of distributing the entire workload across several physical machines. Different strategies are implemented and benchmarked accordingly.
This project implements an asynchronous value iteration for a Markov Decisioin Process (MDP) using Bellman’s principle of optimality. Python (for convenience purposes) and C++ (for performance purposes) are linked using CFFI. Furthermore, OpenMP is used in order to parallelize the value iteration process.
Consumer-Producer based Multithreading using Mutex in C++
This project showcases a producer-consumer model using mutual exclusions (Mutex) in C++ in order to draw the well known Barnsley fern. Therein, the computational workload can distributed among several workers in order to speed up the entire process. The number of workers is selectable and can be adjusted according to the processing hardware at hand.
Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on the Climate Change
In the context of a university lecture called “Applied Machine Intelligence” at Technical University Munich (TUM), chair of data processing, in a group of 8 students, we have been investigating the impact of COVID-19 on the climate change. In order to draw inference on collected data, various machine learning approaches were used.
Person Image Segmentation using conventional Computer Vision Methods
This project was carried out as part of the computer vision lecture at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in the summer semester 2020. The goal of this project was to implement a person image segmentation using conventional computer vision methods.
Professional Experience
Scope of Investigation: “Variational graph convolution autoencoder for disentangled, interpretable feature representation-learning of 3D mesh hippocampus data.”
The research work constitutes the basis of my master thesis and was funded by UARE.
- Data analytics in rail applications
- Multivariate time-series anomaly detection using deep autoencoders
Entrusted Project: “Geometrical Deep Learning on 3D Models: Classification for Additive Manufacturing.”
The internship was carried out within the scope of TUM Data Innovation Lab.
- Identify and collect suitable data in the context of communication networks
- Assessment and implementation of various machine learning and deep learning methods for industrial edge-cloud environments and intelligent manufacturing infrastructure
Entrusted Project: “Machine Learning based 2.5-Dimensional Face Recognition and Spoof Detection using Depth Data provided by a Time-of-Flight (ToF) Sensor”
Key Tasks:
- Development of a sensor interface in order to retrieve data and collect an extensive data set
- Analysis, synthesis, and training of a suitable neural network architecture which meets real-time requirements
- Prototypical implementation, testing, and initiation of the face recognition application using a high-performance microcomputer (Nvidia Jetson Nano)
Scope of Investigation: “Proof of Concept Machine Learning based Control Loop Parameter Optimization for a DC-DC Buck Converter”
Key tasks: Identify and collect suitable data which subsequently was used to develop, train, and evaluate an eligible deep neural network that is capable of predicting optimal control loop parameters from transient responses.
Awards & Certificates
Reserach Scholarship - Artifical Intelligence
German Academic Exchange Service
The program supports research-oriented stays abroad for master’s students in the fields of artificial intelligence, computer science, and related disciplines. The official certificate can be found here.
Best Customer Orientation and Usability Award
Siemens Summer Camp Digital Twins
The group challenge which I’ve been assigned to was: “Connect Real World Scenarios to the Digital Twin of an Autonomous Vehice in Real Time”. Personal learning outcomes: Collecting as much information as possible done by a smart infrastructure in real-time and providing this additional knowledge to all possible road users will be for sure one of the key components of future autonomous car deployments. The award in PDF file format can be found here.
Data Analytics, Big Data & AI Training Week
Leibniz Supercomputing Centere
Outline of modules:
- Introduction to the LRZ Compute Cloud
- Introduction to Container Technology & Application to AI
- Introduction to the LRZ AI Infrastructure
- Intel AI HPC Workshop: Machine Learning Module
- Intel AI HPC Workshop: Deep Learning Module
Each 3,5h course module was offered as combination of lectures, demos and/or hands-on sessions. The certificate in PDF file format can be found here.
Technical Universtiy Munich (TUM)
M.Sc. Electrical- and Computer Engineering
04/2020 - Present
Outline of subjetcs taken:
- Applied Machine Intelligence
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning in Robotics
- Optimal Control and Decision Making
- High Performace Computing for Machine Intelligence in Python/C++
- Seminar Machine Learning about Robustness and Distribution Shifts
- Smart Data Engineering
- Machine Learning: Methods & Tools
- TUM Data Innovation Lab
Technical Universtiy of Denmark (DTU)
B.Sc. Computer Science (Exchange Semester)
09/2018 - 01/2019
Outline of subjetcs taken:
- Programming in C++
- Introducion into Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Introduction to Image Analysis
University of Applied Sciences Munich (MUAS)
B.Eng. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
10/2015 - 03/2020
Outline of subjetcs taken:
- Programming in C and Java
- Unix/Linux
- Microcomputers
- Embedded Systems
- Numerical Mathematical Methods
- Communication Networks
- Control Theory
- Measurement Technology
- Power Electronics
- Electrical Machines
Experience - Programming, Operating Systems and other Frameworks
- Python
- C/C++
- Matlab
- Java
Operating Systems
- Linux
- Windows
Machine Learning / Deep Learning
- Keras
- Tensorflow
- PyTorch / PyTorch Lightning
- Scikit-learn
- Apache MXNet (Gluon)
- Docker
- Nvidia Enroot
- Slurm (Workload Management)
- OpenMP (Mulitprocessing)
- OpenMPI (Message Passing Interface)
- OpenCV (Computer Vision Library)
- CFFI (C Foreign Function Interface for Python)
A Little More About Me
Alongside my interests in machine learning and software engineering some of my other interests and hobbies are:
- Soccer
- Traveling
- Cooking